marți, 16 noiembrie 2010

The shadow of Tiamat

I feel my soul prone to sunder. It's definitely not a pleasant experience. I'm frightened and I feel cold. Successions of little evil happenings that I cannot hold anymore... they're breaking my soul's defenses. It cannot hold too much.
I know it's you wretched bitch! I sense your stench from miles! Blistering incarnation of filth and evil - the dragon-lady - mistress of darkness... Tiamat. Well you know you can't catch me alive and in the land of the dead I have my true powers. But I shall not give you the satisfaction. I must avoid the sundering!
Whoever reads perhaps wonders if I'm fuckin' nuts. Oh no, it's just my way of expression.
I feel my baby colder with each passing week. Maybe it's my imagination but I certainly don't know why. It definitely doesn't make me feel comfortable (and how could that make me feel that, in Heaven's name?) and it starts to annoy and piss me of. Those two feelings are new. I become mad. Madness... And I don't know how I can handle madness. I usually can't. When I'm mad I bring a lot of pain to whoever I want and this scares the hell outta me. This fuckin' scares me. Madness gives me power. An immense evil power that I don't want. I can rip the fuckin' lady-dragon in two and take its very spine out of her wretched body. And then she'll have a corpse shadow! But I don't want it this way.
It's always another way. Both painful and pleasant but not so dirty.
I will fight for my love with a legion of dragons if it must! I shall not sunder!

Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit.
I don't want you around me Tiamat

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