marți, 21 septembrie 2010


Sometimes I wonder about random things: why they go that way and not the other way? why they're black and they're not white? why the fuck I write posts in English and not in Romanian? why sometimes I have answers and other times I don't? I just wonder.
The same way I wonder why - even if I'm kinda' upset on her - she's the first thing I think of when I wake in the morning (although I just slept near her or made love to her)?; why I think of her all day long and I miss her more with every second that passes away since last I saw her? I know I have the answer. Yes I do. She gives me the most of all possible sensations. She makes me tremble when she talks, when she kisses, when she makes love to me. I adore her! And it's stronger and stronger with each passing minute, day... It's evolving! It surely does in the most beautiful and uncomprehensive (for the mortal being) way. I feel marvelous and she surely is my girl, my baby, my soulmate. That's how I want it to be and it'll surely be this way. Forever. Till the end of time!

joi, 29 iulie 2010

Tormented and restless

Goddamn... I really hate myself more then ever before. I'm on the brink of psychical and probably (as a result) physical dissolution and I could've avoided it. Is it too late? I'm really freaked out of this question - I really am; I feel some sort of sickness through all my cell-system. For the first time I don't know what to hope and I don't know where to head. My dreams collapsed all of a sudden and are threaded like never ever before - opposed of what Yeast might've suggested. It would've been great if I could disappear. But I can't so I must face the fact that I'm slowly consuming myself trying to understand, trying to fix my very situation. The issue consists in the fact that I'm not certain what to do. And this gives me the creeps. It would've been easier if I didn't love her...

marți, 18 mai 2010

The end of hope?

Sunt trist. Sunt aşa de trist încât cred că aş putea să lăcrimez. Aş minţi dacă aş spune că n-am fost niciodată aşa trist. Nu vreau să exagerez. Dar totuşi adevărul e că sunt trist.
De câteva săptămâni mă tot gândesc. La trecut, la prezent şi la viitor. Mai mult la viitor bineînţeles. Şi totul în strictă legătură cu agitaţia politică, economică şi socială ce se precipită în ultima vreme pe fondul lipsei banilor şi îndatoririi noastre la Fondul Monetar Internaţional.
Eu sunt unul din ăia care munceşte şi plăteşte impozit statului român fie că e vorba de profit, fie că e vorba de vehicule sau alte posesiuni. Eu nu vreau să crească TVA-ul, nu vreau să scadă salariile, nu vreau să mă gândesc cu grijă în suflet la ziua de mâine. Nu vreau! Bani sunt din ce în ce mai puţini, se simte. De ce trebuie să mă privez de diverse plăceri ca să pot trai? De ce? E vina mea? Sunt eu oare vinovat că am terminat o facultate, m-am angajat imediat după şi lucrez pe un post bun, dar cu toate astea nu sunt plătit suficient iar viitorul e sumbru în privinţa asta? Şi oare nu mă doare să ştiu că oricâte eforturi aş face şi oricât de mult aş munci există o foarte mare posibilitate să nu fiu plătit niciodată pe măsura muncii depuse, în această ţară în care m-am născut? Şi oare nu am dreptul să fiu nefericit când mă gândesc că o să am venituri insuficiente când voi ieşi la pensie (asta desigur DACĂ voi mai apuca să ies vreodată la pensie).
Ştiu că ne stă în putere să schimbăm ceva dar în cât timp şi cu ce preţ? Şi de ce nu am făcut-o până acum?
E deja târziu şi timpul nu mai are răbdare.
Cu părere de rău, ideea de a lăsa în urmă ţara natală şi a purcede către meleaguri unde munca cinstită şi eficientă este apreciată se conturează din ce în ce mai bine şi în curând se va materializa.
Aici nu mai e nimic de făcut.

marți, 4 mai 2010

Routine maitenance

Captain's log. Star-date (according to our measuring) 05 May 2010.
I thought I know things. I even thought experience is everything. The fact is that it doesn't seem to be right all the time. Sometimes you get to fell things that move your every concept of "this is what's meant to be". I thought I knew how it feels to love, to care, to think every second at your half, to be at your maximum lovin' potential. Well guess what? I was fuckin' wrong.
All those years. All those days, minutes and seconds I thought that way proved me that it's another way.
So that's how everything goes - you can never know what's in store, and this happens disregarding the experience.

joi, 25 martie 2010

Dissolution of dreams or the double d

It's one of those days I wish I wouldn't have woke up in the morning. Simple as that. So little energy, so many things to do and the mood for doing them is missing completely.
I don't feel well at all. Not even physically. My head aches, my stomach gives me unpleasant grooves and my heart is so tired. What can I do? I can't do anything but wait and hope.
I need a sign from her and I certainly want to be a good sign. Damn, I said "want" when I should've said "desire". It's more appropriate.
After the sms-exchange we had last night I cannot rest until I don't see she is settled and not tormented anymore. Oh, she worries about such silly things sometimes (at least from my point of view).
My dreams are decomposing and blowing in the wind. Or at least they want to. But I won't let them. No sir, I won't!
She's my baby and I surely will make her happy and throw away every fear and worry she does have.
I was born to do that.

joi, 18 martie 2010

On the road again

It's sunny. The spring is really coming. For good.
I have a far better etat d'esprit. I have a lot of work to do and I'm in a struggle with the insufficiency of time; but these are details.
What matters the most is that I can breath relieved. I settled things with my baby so a lot of my worries are gone. I'm so optimistic now. This weather and the thought of her being my baby fills me with good positive energy.
Back to work now.

miercuri, 17 martie 2010

In search of water

It's almost noon.
This morning I woke up with my eyes shut. Can you imagine that? Yes. I woke up with my eyes shut - I didn't want to see the everyday reality. My whole being wanted her to be the first thing I would see. But I just knew it can't be so my eyes were shut.
I took a dare and opened them and I suddenly felt the excruciating pain. My stomach was the epicenter. Dark, fervent tremors generated by my abdominal cavity spread all over my body. A real nuisance for my cellular life. I really didn't call her or something. I haven't showed any life sign at all. I knew it was not the way it's meant to be but my pride was by far more determined than me and brought me a lot of pain.
I wanted to call her, to tell her how much I need her and she doesn't have reasons to be upset. I wanted but I couldn't. The pain just grew and grew.
Not a sign from her up to 11:36 A.M. when she called. I didn't know what the hell to do. I was a bit joyful that she called but still something tried to keep me from answering the damn phone. I took control and answered. She just wanted to know I was o.k. and nothing more. I couldn't tell here anything else. I just couldn't say more. Of course, now I had technical reasons.
It's already noon.
I can't stand it anymore. She passed my damned pride's test. I'm sure it wasn't necessary and I was pretty sure she will pass. I trust her and I hate it when I upset her. It makes me sick. Very sick. So my wretched pride should stick something up its ass and get the hell out of my sentimental affairs.
I cannot wait anymore to call her and tell her what I need to. I can't stand this stillness and each second is like a minute and every minute like a couple of hours. How long do I have to wait?
I also wonder how will she react. I really hope she will bring down the pain. Only she can do it! She knows that.
I need her like the desert needs water...